
Volume 40, Issue 1 (2024)

Research and Scholarship in Student Affairs


From Lived Experiences to Social Activism: Latino Fraternity Brothers Critical Service to the Latinx Community
Regina L. Suriel, James Martinez, Christian Bello Escobar, and Jamie L. Workman


White Girl Wasted: Gender Performativity of Sexuality with Alcohol in National Panhellenic Conference Sorority Women
Pietro A. Sasso, Amber Manning-Ouellette, Kim E. Bullington, and Shelley Price-Williams


“CAMP is a Home”: The Experiences of Migrant Students in a College Assistance Migrant Program
Lourdes Bastas, Jamie L. Workman, and Meagan C. Arrastia-Chisholm


Predicting Retention, Progression, and Graduation of First-time Freshmen Students
Brynn L. Munro, Juliann Sergi McBrayer, Antonio P. Gutierrez de Blume, and Pamela Wells

Research and Scholarship from Emerging Scholars (Graduate Student Manuscripts)