Aims & Scope | Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs | Active Journals | Georgia Southern University

Aims & Scope

As the official journal of the Georgia College Personnel Association (GCPA), the Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs (GJCSA) aims to promote scholarly work and perspectives from graduate students, practitioners, and scholars, reflecting the importance of professional and academic research and writing in higher education. The journal's scope is focused on state, regional, and national higher education research, concepts, and practices that have implications for practitioners and scholars in the college student affairs field.

In addition to peer-reviewed manuscripts using various methodological forms and perspectives, GJCSA will consider publishing other scholarly contributions such as case studies, media reviews (blogs, websites, books, videos, reports), articles highlighting best practices or current trends, and practitioner reflections. Special attention will be paid to include scholarly contributions from graduate students, new professionals, and junior faculty when possible. In addition, the GJCSA may periodically call for proposals for theme-focused editions and volunteers to edit such editions.

GJCSA publishes articles in the following sections:

  • Research and Scholarship in Student Affairs
  • Research and Scholarship for HE/SA Professional Preparation
  • Research and Scholarship from Emerging Scholars (Graduate Student Manuscripts)
  • Book, Media, and Technology Reviews

For journal policies and submission guidelines, see the Policies page. Please contact the Editors with any questions or concerns about the journal.