Presentation Abstract

Alex and Chris will present five tools that lay the foundation of their classrooms. The presentation will include information on five key topics : deescalation, active teaching, relationship building, procedures and protocols, and consistency. With these five tools, Alex and Chris will explain in concrete terms hoe they have success with students at alternative schools. Watch Alex and Chris demonstrate how they teach students that break rules to become the future leaders and innovators of America.

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5 Tools You Can Use Tomorrow to Transform Your Classroom

Alex and Chris will present five tools that lay the foundation of their classrooms. The presentation will include information on five key topics : deescalation, active teaching, relationship building, procedures and protocols, and consistency. With these five tools, Alex and Chris will explain in concrete terms hoe they have success with students at alternative schools. Watch Alex and Chris demonstrate how they teach students that break rules to become the future leaders and innovators of America.