Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 218


See presentation description.

Short Description

Academic librarians typically use information literacy standards to inform library instruction, but how can they use these standards when designing library web pages? Two reference librarians from Valdosta State University share their experiences on revising their tutorial and subject guide gateway, "Library Help," by using both usability and information ilteracy standards. We will also discuss the usability testing that led to this revision, how to put together a usability testing plan, and interesting ideas on how to both evaluate your web pages' usability and your users' needs.

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 23rd, 2:30 PM Sep 23rd, 3:00 PM

Information Literacy and the Library Website: Bridging the Gap and Meeting User Needs

Room 218

See presentation description.