Say It Quickly: Using Pecha Kucha to Hone Students' Research and Presentation Skills

Type of Presentation

Workshop (1 hour and 15 minutes)

Target Audience



Room 1220 B


See presentation description.

Short Description

This interactive session will focus on using Pecha Kucha to help students – hone their research skills, analyze and digest the information they find, and present meaningful information in a professional yet succinct manner. The 6:40 limit imposed on this style of PowerPoint presentation encourages students present the most relevant information. Presenters will also discuss grading rubrics and assessment. Attendees will work in small groups to create their own Pecha Kucha presentations.


Pecha Kucha, Research skills, Information analysis, Professional presentation

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Oct 1st, 12:45 PM Oct 1st, 1:45 PM

Say It Quickly: Using Pecha Kucha to Hone Students' Research and Presentation Skills

Room 1220 B

See presentation description.