Georgia Southern Commons - Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy: Rearranging the Horse and the Cart: Using Citation Analysis for Pedagogical and Curricular Reform of Writing Programs

Rearranging the Horse and the Cart: Using Citation Analysis for Pedagogical and Curricular Reform of Writing Programs

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 212


See presentation description.

Short Description

Culture-wide anxieties about students’ (and perhaps faculty’s) information literacy are coded in the contemporary panic about plagiarism. That panic results in the implementation of honor codes, seeking to develop students’ sense of moral responsibilities; and in the subscription to plagiarism-detecting software, seeking to persuade students that if they cheat, they will be caught. But how much of what is defined as plagiarism is actually based in moral choices that students make? The Citation Project studies students’ use of researched sources as a way of answering that question, and the findings of the first study in the project suggest that we need to make significant changes in how composition students are assigned research papers.


Citation analysis, Curricular reform, Writing programs, Plagiarism, Information literacy

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 25th, 8:30 AM Sep 25th, 9:45 AM

Rearranging the Horse and the Cart: Using Citation Analysis for Pedagogical and Curricular Reform of Writing Programs

Room 212

See presentation description.