Georgia Southern Commons - Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy: Can This Marriage Be Saved? Librarian-Faculty Partnerships and Information Literacy

Can This Marriage Be Saved? Librarian-Faculty Partnerships and Information Literacy

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 218


See presentation description.

Short Description

In "Locating the Center: Libraries, Writing Centers and Information Literacy,” James Elmborg draws attention to the ways that information literacy fits into the general education of college students and argues that the teaching of writing and the teaching of research should be described and taught as one literacy practice. Librarians and writing faculty at a large public university put his ideas into practice by taking a team-approach to teaching research, reading, and writing. Librarians know how difficult it is to find a faculty member with whom one can collaborate and who will share instructional space (see D’Angelo & Maid, 2004; Elmorg & Hook, 2005; Holliday & Fagerheim, 2006). Once you’ve found that special person, how can the two of you share the classroom without bickering over assignments, grades, and the like? The librarians and faculty members on this panel have shared physical and virtual instructional space in an advanced composition research co! urse and in an online technical writing class. While such collaborations may seem simple on paper, potential difficulties can arise when two people must share authority and responsibility in the classroom. Nonetheless, both librarians and writing teachers, and their students, benefit from cross-disciplinary collaboration (Norgaard, 2004).Panel members will: * Suggest strategies for building successful partnerships * Establish a context for librarian-faculty “marriages” within scholarly discussions about information literacy * Share lessons about negotiating shared instructional space without resorting to divorce.


Information literacy, Library-faculty collaboration

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 25th, 8:30 AM Sep 25th, 9:45 AM

Can This Marriage Be Saved? Librarian-Faculty Partnerships and Information Literacy

Room 218

See presentation description.