Georgia Southern Commons - Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy: Rhetorical Information Literacy in Professional Writing and Rhetoric: How Current Scholarship Can Shape University Infrastructure to Enhance Curriculum

Rhetorical Information Literacy in Professional Writing and Rhetoric: How Current Scholarship Can Shape University Infrastructure to Enhance Curriculum

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 210


See presentation description.

Short Description

These speakers will give an overview of the state of rhetorical information literacy scholarship in the field of professional writing and rhetoric, and identify how their program's curriculum as a whole, and individual classes and assignments in particular, teaches/fails to teach these different kinds of literacies. They will pay special attention to how different types of information literacies-such as tool literacy, resource literacy, information management literacy, social-structural literacy, research literacy, critical literacy, and emerging technology literacy - can each be re-imagined as rhetorical information literacies, with each sharing some similar practices and strategies. After determining the value added to information literacies by considering them from a rhetorical perspective, and after identifying their own program's strengths and weaknesses in regard to teaching these rhetorical information literacies, these speakers will then explain how their program has partnered/failed to partner with different departments on campus as a way to better prepare their students with such skills. To facilitate the workshop nature of their session, these speakers will also give audience members time to consider how rhetorical information literacy practices might be integrated into their own respective areas (i.e. - library studies, information design and development, specific curricular areas, etc.) and also how they might partner with other departments or curricular bodies on their campus to build support for teaching students such practice.


Information literacy, Rhetorical information literacy, Professional writing

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 26th, 9:45 AM Sep 26th, 10:45 AM

Rhetorical Information Literacy in Professional Writing and Rhetoric: How Current Scholarship Can Shape University Infrastructure to Enhance Curriculum

Room 210

See presentation description.