Term of Award

Spring 1997

Degree Name

Master of Exercise Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Charles J. Hardy

Committee Member 1

W. Kent Guion

Committee Member 2

A. Barry Joyner


This study investigated the effect of yoga on percent body fat, blood pressure, oxygen consumption, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, and levels of state anxiety. Thirteen college age females (18-22 yr.) signed up for a 12 week yoga program, meeting once a week for 90 min. The classes consisted of 10 min. of supine relaxation, 70 min. of Hatha Yoga postures, and 10 min. of relaxation to conclude the class. All thirteen subjects attended the first class and completed a Spielberger STAI X-l (state) inventory prior to and immediately following the class. Concurrent with previous research a significant decrease in levels of state anxiety was found (p < .004). Only seven subjects remained to complete the intervention. Average attendance was 7 classes. No significant changes were found in percent body fat, blood pressure levels, oxygen consumption, flexibility, muscular strength, or muscular endurance. The results showed trends of increased upper and lower body strength and improvements in flexibility. These findings indicate that yoga promotes short-term decreases in state anxiety and shows a potential to improve muscular strength.

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