Term of Award

Summer 1997

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)


Department of Biology

Committee Chair

Jonathan Copeland

Committee Member 1

Stephen P. Vives

Committee Member 2

Oscar J. Pung

Committee Member 3

Robert E. Shetlar


The focus of this study is on the effects of lead on Helisoma trivolvis, a pulmonate pond snail. Many species of molluscs are being used as bioindicators of environmental toxins. To provide a background for the reader, a brief history and description of the Phylum Mollusca (at the class level) is presented in Chapter 1. A second chapter (Ch. 2) is concerned with lead and its effects. A synopsis of past and present studies that show the interaction between lead and molluscs is given in Chapter 3, then two experimental chapters follow. The first experimental chapter (Ch. 4) is concerned with the effects of lead on the behavior of H. trivolvis. The second experimental chapter (Ch. 5) is concerned with lead accumulation in the tissue of H. trivolvis.

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