Term of Award

Spring 1989

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Earl R. Andrews

Committee Member 1

Keith F. Hickman

Committee Member 2



In order for a company to grow and prosper, dynamic leadership must be applied throughout the organization. In spite of modern technology and all the new innovative machines people remain the most important factor in any industry. This study is directed toward the improvement of managements effectiveness in getting things done through people and situations. No technique or management methods are effective unless they are administered and carried out by competent employees. Middle management is very crucial in a company's ability to prosper and grow, and is situated between executive management and first line managers. Because two-thirds of the printing industry employs less than 20 employees, middle management is viewed somewhat differently than other industries. A spokesman at the 1989 Printing Association of Georgia annual Banquet said that locating good employees at all levels is their greatest concern.

The study is directed at middle management in the Atlanta area of the printing industry. The study looks at education and training to see its effect on the performance of middle management.

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