Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Education

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Patrick R. Cobb

Committee Member 1

Frieda F. Brown

Committee Member 2

Sandra L. Gallamore

Committee Member 3

William Steve Lary

Committee Member 4

James McMillan and W. R. Spieth


The purpose of the present study was to determine the difference between two groups of collegiate baseball players educated in selected topics in athletic nutrition. The subjects (N=28) were randomly divided into two groups, A and B. Group A (N=14) took part in five short educational sessions in addition to receiving printed materials for each topic during weeks two through six. Group B (N=14) did not take part in the sessions but received the same printed materials at the same time as the treatment group. Tabulations from the participant information sheet revealed parents/family and television as the most prevalent sources of nutritional information. Assessments for nutritional knowledge showed group A (x=28.00) was higher than group B (x=25.15) (t=l.74,p=.094). Results for nutritional attitudes indicated a large percentage of both groups had strong feelings about nutrition and its relationship to overall health and athletic performance and a low percentage of both groups felt strongly about the adequacy of their own level of nutritional knowledge. Results for dietary intake showed similar nutritional values for group A and group B, and also indicated that the total group had intake percentages fairly close to recommended values for percentage of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Results revealed benefits from the educational sessions in nutritional knowledge levels but benefits in areas of nutritional attitude and dietary intake were less evident. Descriptive statistics revealed trends in the dietary intakes and attitudes of the subjects, while the t-test for the nutritional knowledge indicated a practical difference in the knowledge levels of the two groups.

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