Term of Award

Spring 1998

Degree Name

Master of Science with a Major in Kinesiology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

A. Barry Joiner

Committee Member 1

W. Kent Guion

Committee Member 2

James L. McMillan


The appeal of elliptical trainers to consumer and commercial audiences have led manufacturers like Precor, HealthRider®, and NordicTrak® to market their own versions of this exercise machine. However, published data examining physiological responses and the accuracy of the caloric expenditure display on these relatively new aerobic machines is scarce. Therefore, 34 subjects (17 males; 15 females) between the ages of 18-25 agreed to participate in this study designed to examine physiological responses, ratings of perceived exertion, and accuracy of the caloric expenditure display (DCE) on the Precor EFX544® during exercise of varying intensity. Four, 5-minute trials were performed continuously consisting of randomly assigned rate and resistance levels. Actual caloric expenditure (ACE) obtained via V02 measures was collected in 30 sec. intervals. Steady-state data collected during the last 2 min of each trial was averaged and analyzed. No differences (p=.021) were found between DCE and ACE after examining total differences for the entire 20 m bout or at any 5 m condition. RPE (2.10± 1.08) showed a weak relationship with V02 (r=.271), rate (r=.147), and resistance (r=.123) on this elliptical trainer even in the presence of significant (p2 changes. V02 showed a weak relationship with resistance (r=.362) and a moderate relationship with rate (r=.504). However, a strong (Adj R2=.728; p

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