Term of Award

Spring 1998

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Fine Arts

Committee Chair

Patricia Carter

Committee Member 1

Julie McGuire

Committee Member 2

Bruce Little


This question often arises from viewers of collage and assemblage: is this art? Is arranging found objects in a box as valid a creative act as painting with oils on canvas, or sculpting in stone? The answer is found in historical movements and when analyzing the artwork of individuals concerned with this media and aesthetic criteria. Because art material suitable for collage and assemblage is truly infinite, it is necessary to narrow the focus to objects chosen thematically. I will address these concerns in Chapter One. Chapter Two investigates feminine images and the Feminist Art movement as a context for my content. Therefore, my investigation is twofold: one facet is to explore artwork containing feminist and feminine references, the other is concerned with the aesthetics of combining found three-dimensional (3D) objects with the two-dimensional (2D) surface.

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