Term of Award

Spring 1998

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mathematics

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Mathematics

Committee Chair

C. Mark Aulick

Committee Member 1

Margaret Anne Pierce

Committee Member 2

Chong-wei Xu


Fisher-Rosemount Petroleum sells petroleum measurement devices (meters) and related products and instruments. TheProduct Selector program assists in the selection of the Fisher-Rosemount Petroleum BiRotor meter. Meter selection includes choosing meter size and model, meter construction and related meter output devices This paper documents the selection process employed by the Fisher-Rosemount Petroleum BiRotor meter Product Selector.

The Product Selector goals are to:

  • Simplify the meter selection process
  • Provide an interactive meter selection tool
  • Provide information needed for "user" decisions
  • Run on a laptop computer

Selecting a BiRotor meter is a difficult process. A meter is characterized by flow range (minimum and maximum flow rate), accuracy over the flow range and pressure drop. Meter selection involves matching the flow range of the meter to the flow range of the process conditions at desired measurement accuracy without exceeding pressure drop requirements.

BiRotor meter performance is defined at a set of standard operating conditions If process conditions vary from standard conditions, the minimum and maximum flow limits, meter accuracy and meter pressure drop of the BiRotor meter may change Determining meter performance at actual fluid process conditions is difficult and requires experience and training. The Product Selector provides meter minimum and maximum flow limits, accuracy and pressure drop data for any set of process conditions.

The Customer Service Product Manager is the single-source "in-house" Fisher-Rosemount Petroleum BiRotor meter application expert. The Product Selector provides "on-site" meter selection assistance for field sales personnel and customers. To be successful, the program must make the process of selecting a BiRotor meter easy to follow without requiring special program training or product knowledge.

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