Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Biology

Committee Chair

James H. Oliver, Jr.

Committee Member 1

Edwin T. Hibbs

Committee Member 2

Frank E. French


Presence of sperm induction pores, tubuli annulati, rami sacculi, sacculus foemineus, comu sacculus and a cantho-membranous hood in females supports the probability of coxal insemination as reported for some other mesostigmatid species.

Development of the circular testis in males (from fusion of two anterolaterally projecting protonymphal testicular arms) and formation of haploid (n=3) spermatids from haploid (n=3) spermatogonial cells is entirely mitotic. Spermatogenesis begins within one hour after protonymphal feeding and continues through adult ecdysis in normally fed individuals. Nutritional deficit causes cessation of spermatogenic divisions an deutonymphs starved 23 days, but is rapidly rejuvenated upon feeding. No rejuvenation of division was observed in adult males given the opportunity to feed, thus adult males might not feed.

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