Term of Award
Summer 1975
Degree Name
Master of Technology
Document Type and Release Option
Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)
Committee Chair
Keith F. Hickman
Committee Member 1
Hugh E. Warley
Committee Member 2
Rex A. Nelson
In this era of technological change it is imperative that our youth understand technology and its impact. Future decisions must be made from a technological perspective; that is, innovations in one area must be carefully analyzed in regard to their impact on other areas. An example of this philosophy is illustrated by the automobile industry. The most desirable car from a strictly transportation view-point is far from desirable from a strictly ecological view-point. The large, high-speed, American cars of the late sixties have been found to be extremely hazardous to the community's health. In addition, these cars consume great amounts of our precious fossil fuels, furthering the now apparent energy crisis.
The idea of a game on technology is to alert the youth of the world to technology and its consequences. Games reflect on real life and present concepts which, if understood by the player, will explain actual happenings. This game is designed to appeal to that segment of the population with a tenth grade education level or higher. Of special interest to the designer is the high school or college student who is considering his future life's work. It is hoped that some players of the game will be challenged to further pursue the field of Technology.
Technology is perhaps the least understood discipline in today's society. The major thinkers of the day agree as to the impact and significance of technology; yet, they cannot even agree on what technology is. They have called it tools, machines, work, engineering, applied science and more. They have credited it for the Industrial Revolution, the Information Explosion and the Conquest of Space. They have blamed it for the pollution of the Earth and the de-humanization of the world. What is technology? Why is it to be considered a major discipline on a par with science and the humanities? Why is technology a worthwhile area of endeavor? These are some of the questions this study will attempt to answer.
The problem of this study was to design a game on technology which would instruct as well as entertain the player. The primary objective was to interest players in the field of technology as a worthwhile area of study. A secondary objective was to define technology and show its relationship to other areas of study.
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Recommended Citation
Poynter, Hayden Clarence Jr., "Technology A Game for Three, Four or Five Players" (1975). Legacy ETDs. 182.