Term of Award

Summer 1994

Degree Name

Masters of Recreation Administation

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

R. S. Thomason

Committee Member 1

H. A. Eisenhart

Committee Member 2

W. A. Becker

Committee Member 3

I. K. Oh


Tourism provides travelers with many benefits and satisfies a variety of the tourist's individual needs. For example, educational trips or prestige and status enhancers, may meet individual needs. Prestige and status enhancers are the intangible qualities that an individual defines or perceives will bring him prestige and status. For example, if an individual perceives that SCUBA diving is a leisure activity that is engaged by the "rich and famous", the individual may engage in this activity to be classified under the same label. Some of the related physical and psychological benefits such as rest, sport activities, and entertainment can be used to reduce tension. Cultural benefit could be another benefit that satisfies the individual's needs. Cultural benefits encompass the desire to learn about other people. Interpersonal benefits, such as visiting old friends, and escaping the routine of daily life (Mclntosh & Goeldner, 1990), is another benefit that could meet the needs of the individual. The need for this affiliation could also be accomplished by bus tours and group trips.

Tourism has many impacts on today's society. These impacts may be personal, educational and/or economic. On a personal level tourism may impact individuals by increasing self-esteem; increasing personal well-being by reducing stress and other work related problems; and by relating to other individuals of different cultures. Another impact that tourism has on today's society may be educational. On an educational level, an individual may increase geographic and general knowledge by coming in contact with new people and places. The most tangible impact tourism has on society is economic. A region may certainly increase revenue and employment by promoting tourism in the area.

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