Term of Award

Spring 1994

Degree Name

Master of Education

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Robert Martin

Committee Member 1

Vincent Carillot

Committee Member 2

Dale Grant

Committee Member 3

Stephen Jenkins

Committee Member 4

Jane Thompson


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of a freshman seminar on two measures of student success, first year to second year retention rate and first year grade point average. Using a t-test for independent samples, it was discovered that students enrolled in two developmental studies courses (reading and English) and completing freshman seminar (N=50) had significantly higher first year grade point averages than students enrolled in two developmental studies courses (reading and English) and did not enroll in freshman seminar (N=50). Additionally, students enrolled in three developmental studies courses and completing freshman seminar (N=50) had significantly higher first year grade point averages than students enrolled in three developmental studies courses and did not enroll in freshman seminar. No significant differences were found between the first year grade point averages of regularly admitted students completing freshman seminar (N=100) and regularly admitted students not enrolling in freshman seminar (N=100), between students enrolled in one developmental studies math course and completing freshman seminar (N=79) and students enrolled in one developmental studies math course and not enrolled in freshman seminar (N=68), or between students enrolled in one developmental studies reading course and completing freshman seminar (N=69) and students enrolled in one developmental studies reading course and not enrolling in freshman seminar (N=84).

A two way chi-square was used to determine if there were any differences in retention in any of the groups No differences were found in second year retention rates between students who completed freshman seminar and students not enrolled in freshman seminar, in any of the academic ability groups.

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