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The publications archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology.

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Submissions from 2016


Exploring Butane Hash Oil Use: A Research Note, Bryan Lee Miller, John M. Stogner, and J. Mitchell Miller


School Crime and Security, Thomas Mowen, John J. Brent, and Aaron Kupchik


Who Seeks Counseling for Intimate Partner Violence? The Role of Emotional Distress, Chad Posick, Laura E. Agnich, Christina Policastro, and Heather Hatfield


Self-Control and Crime: Theory, Research, and Remaining Puzzles, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and Alex R. Piquero


Predictors of “Success” Among Drug-Seeking Patients, Amber N. Sanders, John M. Eassey, John M. Stogner, and Bryan Lee Miller


They Were Getting High on What? Evaluating Novel Psychoactive Drug Knowledge among Practitioners, John M. Stogner, David N. Khey, Laura E. Agnich, and Bryan Lee Miller


Risk Factors for and Behavioral Consequences of Direct versus Indirect Exposure to Violence, Gregory M. Zimmerman and Chad Posick


The Power of (Mis)Perception: Rethinking Suicide Contagion in Youth Friendship Networks, Gregory M. Zimmerman, Carter Rees, Chad Posick, and Lori A. Zimmerman

Submissions from 2015


A Comparative Analysis of Attempted and Completed School-Based Mass Murder Attacks, Laura E. Agnich


Alcohol Use and Crime, Laura E. Agnich


Gender-Based Violence in Schools, Laura E. Agnich, Jun Sung Hong, and Anthony A. Peguero


The Importance of Parenting in the Development of Self-Control in Boys and Girls: Results from a Multinational Study of Youth, Ekaterina Botchkovar, Ineke Haen Marshall, Michael Rocque, and Chad Posick


Criminology’s Theoretical Incarceration: Qualitative Methods as Liberator, John J. Brent and Peter Kraska


Deconstructing the LGBT-Victimization Association: The Case of Sexual Assault and Alcohol-Related Problems, Shanna N. Felix, Justin Hoyle, Chad Posick, Bryan Lee Miller, and John Stogner


Power-Control Theory, Laurie A. Gould and Brenda Blackwell


Can Differences in Attachment to Parents and Level of Self-Control Explain the Gender Gap in Juvenile Delinquency? Testing a Gendered Attachment-Self-Control Theory, Helmut Hirtenlehner, Brenda Blackwell, and Johannes Kepler


A Review of Significant Tactical Police Cases: Learning from Past Events to Improve upon Future Responses, Kevin Jennings


The Aftermath of Newtown: More of the Same, Aaron C. Kupchik, John J. Brent, and Thomas J. Mowen


Examining the Mediating Effects of Social Learning on the Low Self-Control – Cyberbullying Relationship in a Youth Sample, Carrie K.W. Li, Thomas J. Holt, Adam Bossler, and David C. May


Cheating Around the World: A Cross-National Analysis of Principal Reported Cheating, Bryan Lee Miller, Laura E. Agnich, Chad Posick, and Laurie A. Gould


Marketing a Panic: Media Coverage of Novel Psychoactive Drugs (NPDs) and Its Relationship with Legal Changes, Bryan Lee Miller, John M. Stogner, Laura E. Agnich, Amber Sanders, Joseph D. Bacot, and Shanna N. Felix


On the General Relationship between Victimization and Offending: Examining Cultural Contingencies, Chad Posick and Laurie A. Gould


Empathy, Crime, and Justice, Chad Posick, Michael Rocque, and Matt Delisi


Marriage and County-level Crime Rates: A Research Note, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, Steven E. Barkan, and Ray Paternoster


The Role of the Brain in Urban Violent Offending: Integrating Biology with Structural Theories of 'The Streets', Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and Shanna Felix


Age and Crime, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and Justin Hoyle


A Comparative, Cross-Cultural Criminal Career Analysis, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, Ineke Haen Marshall, and Alex R. Piquero


Growing Up Is Hard to Do: an Empirical Evaluation of Maturation and Desistance, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and Helene R. White


Measuring Procedural Justice and Legitimacy at the Local Level: The Police–Community Interaction Survey, Dennis P. Rosenbaum, Daniel S. Lawrence, Susan M. Hartnett, Jack McDevitt, and Chad Posick


Assessing the Relationship between Divergent Drinking and Perceptions of Friendship Quality between Students, John Stogner, John H. Boman, and Bryan Lee Miller


Assessing the Dangers of ‘Dabbing’ – Mere Marijuana or Harmful New Trend?, John M. Stogner and Bryan Lee Miller


The Dabbing Dilemma: A Call for Research on Butane Hash Oil and Other Alternate Forms of Cannabis Use, John M. Stogner and Bryan Lee Miller


Youth Drug Trends and Societal Reactions, John M. Stogner and Bryan Lee Miller


Investigating the Role of Neighborhood Youth Organizations in Preventing Adolescent Violent Offending: Evidence from Chicago, Gregory M. Zimmerman, Brandon C. Welsh, and Chad Posick

Submissions from 2014


Book Review: Why We Harm, Laura E. Agnich


Examining Perceptions of Substance Use in Friendships of Different Gender Structure, John H. Boman IV, Bryan Lee Miller, John M. Stogner, Laura E. Agnich, and Marvin D. Krohn


Chapter 10: Further Examining Officer Perceptions and Support for Online Community Policing, Adam Bossler and Thomas J. Holt


Juvenile Violence, James A. Fox, Michael Rocque, and Chad Posick


Exploring Gender-Based Disparities in Legal Protection, Education, Health, Political Empowerment, and Employment in Failing and Fragile States, Laurie A. Gould


Pickpockets, Laurie A. Gould


Prison Privatization: the Political Economy of Race, Laurie A. Gould and Matthew Pate


'Me and My Drank:' Exploring the Relationship between Exposure to Popular Music and 'Purple Drank' Experimentation, Melanie Hart, Laura E. Agnich, John M. Stogner, and Bryan Lee Miller


Framing Mass Gun Violence: A Content Analysis of Print Media Coverage of the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedies, James Hawdon, Laura E. Agnich, Robert S. Wood, and John Ryan


Media Framing of a Tragedy: A Content Analysis of Print Media Coverage of the Virginia Tech Tragedy, James E. Hawdon, Laura E. Agnich, and John Ryan


Cybercrime, Thomas J. Holt and Adam Bossler


Assessing the Risk Factors of Cyber and Mobile Phone Bullying Victimization in a Nationally Representative Sample of Singapore Youth, Thomas J. Holt, Sarah Fitzgerald, Adam Bossler, Grace Chee, and Esther Ng


Drug Policy, David N. Khey and Bryan Lee Miller


Keeping it Between the Buoys: Assessing Self-Reported Boating under the Influence (BUI) in a Young Adult Population, Bryan Lee Miller and John M. Stogner


Race and the Construction of Evidence in Homicide Cases, Glenn L. Pierce, Michael L. Radelet, Chad Posick, and Tim Lyman


Deviant Places, Chad Posick


Victimization and Reporting to the Police: The Role of Negative Emotionality, Chad Posick


Family Matters: A Cross-National Examination of Family Bonding and Victimization, Chad Posick and Michael Rocque


More Than a Feeling: Integrating Empathy into the Study of Lawmaking, Lawbreaking, and Reactions to Lawbreaking, Chad Posick, Michael Rocque, and Nicole Rafter


Person-in-context: Insights on Contextual Variation in the Victim-Offender Overlap across Schools, Chad Posick and Gregory M. Zimmerman


Identity and Crime across the Life Course, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and R. Paternoster


Identities through Time: An Exploration of Identity Change as a Cause of Desistance, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and Ray Paternoster


Victim Profiles, Christopher J. Schreck and Chad Posick


Detecting Specialization in Interpersonal Violence Versus Suicidal Behavior, Gregory M. Zimmerman and Chad Posick

Submissions from 2013


A Cross-National Analysis of Principals' Reports of School Violence, Laura E. Agnich and Yasuo Miyazaki


A Multilevel Cross-National Analysis of Direct and Indirect Forms of School Violence, Laura E. Agnich and Yasuo Miyazaki


Purple Drank Prevalence and Characteristics of Misusers of Codeine Cough Syrup Mixtures, Laura E. Agnich, John M. Stogner, Bryan Lee Miller, and Cathy D. Marcum


Substance Use and Friendship Quality: Examining the Impact of Similar Use Patterns on Friendships., John H. Boman IV, John Stogner, and Bryan Miller


A Criminologist's Perspective on the Implications of Criminological Research for Policies and Practices Aimed at Addressing Hacking and Malware Infection, Adam Bossler


Assessing Officer Perceptions and Support for Online Community Policing, Adam Bossler and Thomas J. Holt


Exploring the Utility of Open Source Data to Predict Malicious Software Creation, George Burruss, Thomas J. Holt, and Adam Bossler


Assessing the Mediation of a Fuller Social Learning Model on Low Self-Control's Influence on Software Piracy, George W. Burruss, Adam Bossler, and Thomas J. Holt


Mobilizing Law in Latin America: An Evaluation of Black’s Theory in Brazil, Kristin Graham, Marian Borg, and Bryan Miller


An Assessment of the Current State of Cybercrime Scholarship, Thomas J. Holt and Adam Bossler


Examining the Relationship between Routine Activities and Malware Infection Indicators, Thomas J. Holt and Adam Bossler


Examining State and Local Law Enforcement Perceptions of Computer Crime, Thomas J. Holt, Adam Bossler, and Sarah Fitzgerald


Exploring the Consequences of Bullying Victimization in a Sample of Singapore Youth, Thomas J. Holt, Grace Chee, Esther Ng, and Adam Bossler


Measuring Novel Drug Perceptions: Salvia divinorum, Gender, and Peer Delinquency., Bryan Miller, John H. Boman IV, and John Stogner


The Overlap Between Offending and Victimization Among Adolescents: Results From the Second International Self-report Delinquency Study, Chad Posick


Do Boys Fight and Girls Cut? A General Strain Theory Approach to Gender and Deviance, Chad Posick, Amy Farrell, and Marc L. Swatt


Victim Injury, Emotional Distress, and Satisfaction with the Police: Evidence for a Victim-Centered, Emotionally-Based Police Response, Chad Posick and Christina Policastro


One Scale Fits All? Assessing Racial Differences in the Measurement of Attitudes toward the Police, Chad Posick, Michael Rocque, and Jack McDevitt


Unraveling Change: Social Bonds and Recidivism Among Released Offenders, Michael Rocque, David M. Bierie, Chad Posick, and Doris L. MacKenzie


Measuring Up: Assessing the Measurement Properties of Two Self-Control Scales, Michael Rocque, Chad Posick, and Gregory M. Zimmerman


Perception vs. Reality: An investigation of the misperceptions concerning the frequency of novel drug use among college students., Amber Sanders, John Stogner, and Bryan Miller


Awareness of Novel Drug Legality in a Young Adult Population, Michael Singleton, John Stogner, and Bryan Miller


A Spicy Kind of High: A Profile of Synthetic Cannabinoid Users, John Stogner and Bryan Miller


Investigating the “Bath Salt” Panic: The rarity of Synthetic Cathinone Use among Students, John Stogner and Bryan Miller


Learning to E-Cheat: A Criminological Test of Internet Facilitated Academic Dishonesty., John Stogner, Bryan Miller, and Catherine Marcum

Submissions from 2012


The Night the Raving Died: The Social Construction of a Local Drug Panic, Julie Baldwin, Bryan Miller, John Stogner, and Steve Hach


On the Operational Validity of Perceptual Peer Delinquency Measurement: Exploring Projection and Elements Contained in Perceptions., John H. Boman IV, John Stogner, Bryan Miller, O. Griffin, and Marvin Krohn


Chapter 75: Online Abuse: Cyberstalking, Harassment, and Stalking, Adam Bossler and Thomas J. Holt


Patrol Officers' Perceived Role in Responding to Cybercrime, Adam Bossler and Thomas J. Holt


Predicting Online Harassment Victimization among a Juvenile Population, Adam Bossler, Thomas J. Holt, and David C. May


Apparent Authority to Consent, Rebecca Davis


Exigent Circumstances, Rebecca Davis


Georgia v. Randolph, Rebecca Davis


Isaac Parker, Laurie A. Gould


Police Perceptions of Computer Crimes in Two Southeastern Cities: An Examination from the Viewpoint of Patrol Officers, Thomas J. Holt and Adam Bossler


Predictors of Patrol Officer Interest in Cybercrime Training and Investigation in Selected United States Police Departments, Thomas J. Holt and Adam Bossler


Low Self-Control, Deviant Peer Associations, and Juvenile Cyberdeviance, Thomas J. Holt, Adam Bossler, and David C. May


Civil Death: An Examination of Ex-felon Disenfranchisement and Reintegration., Bryan Miller and Joseph Spillane


Governing the Restoration of Civil Rights for Ex-felons: An Evaluation of the Executive Clemency Board in Florida, Bryan Miller and Joseph Spillane


The Discipline of Difference: Ethnolinguistic Heterogeneity and Corporal Punishment, Matthew Pate and Laurie A. Gould


The Discipline of Difference: Ethnolinguistic Heterogeneity and Corporal Punishment, Matthew Pete and Laurie A. Gould


Examining the Effect of Regulating a Novel Drug: An Evaluation of Changes in Use of Salvia divinorum in the First Year of Florida’s Ban., John Stogner, David Khey, O. Griffin, Bryan Miller, and John H. Boman IV