

Curriculum integration is a hallmark of middle level education. This approach to education involves blending topics across content areas as a way of studying topics and problems of interest to young adolescents. Approaches to curriculum integration and interdisciplinary curriculum overlap with concepts like democratic education, place-based learning, student agency, and student-designed curriculum. Here, two teacher educators report on a recent initiative in which we co-designed integrated curriculum along with middle level teacher candidates. We drew on place-based instruction and models of collaboration to develop this project. Candidates then developed integrated units appropriate for middle school classrooms.

Author Bio

After a four-year career as a rural high school English teacher, Dr. Taylor Norman attended Purdue University for her graduate degrees in English Education. With a background in English language arts pedagogy, Dr. Norman's research stories the identities and practices of inservice English language arts teachers. Dr. Norman has presented her research on English teacher identities and pedagogical practices at national conferences such as the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and American Educational Research Association (AERA). Currently, Dr. Norman is an Assistant Professor of English language arts education at Georgia Southern University.

Amanda Wall is an associate professor in the Department of Middle Grades & Secondary Education at Georgia Southern University.



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