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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Biology.

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Submissions from 2024

Ectoparasite Load Generates Tradeoffs in Male Color Badge Intensity and Badge Size in Male Lizards, K. M. Roberts, Eric McElroy, and Lance D. McBrayer

DNA Methylation and Counter-directional Pigmentation Change Following Immune Challenge in a Small Ectotherm, David Tevs, J. A. Mukhalian, E. Simpson, Christian Cox, Aaron Schrey, and Lance D. McBrayer

Submissions from 2023

When Food Fights Back: the Feeding Behavior of Specialist and Generalist Predators on Dangerous Prey, Noah Gripshover, Charles M. Watson, Jesse M. Meik, Lance D. McBrayer, Patrick Hennessey, and Christian Cox

Stop, Then Go! Rapid Acceleration Offsets the Costs of Intermittent Locomotion When Turning in Florida Scrub Lizards, Lance D. McBrayer and Cheyenne A. Walker

Epigenetic Buffering in Heterogeneous and Stressful Environments, Aaron W. Schrey, Kyle Ashton, Melanie Gibson, M. Ellesse Lauer, Andrea Liebl, Lynn Martin, Lance D. McBrayer, Earl D. McCoy, Henry R. Mushinsky, Daniella Ray, Elizabeth Sheldon, and David Tevs

Submissions from 2022


Feeding Behavior and Prey Selection of a Small Fossorial Snake, Tantilla gracilis, Noah Gripshover, C. M. Watson, Jesse M. Meik, Lance D. McBrayer, and Christian Cox


Effects of Climate Change and Land-management Practices on the Persistence of an Endemic Kalahari Lizard: A Resurvey After 50 Years, R. N. Martin, D. B. Miles, A. L. Gilbert, S. Kirchhof, Lance D. McBrayer, Susana Clusella-Trullas, Nora Ibargüengoytía, M. Medina, B. Sinervo, E. R. Pianka, and R. B. Huey

Escape Behavior Varies With Distance From Safe Refuge, Lance D. McBrayer and Eric McElroy

The Relationship Between Femoral Pore Secretions, Color, Size, and Parasite Load in the Florida Scrub Lizard, Sceloporus Woodi, Katherine M. Roberts and Lance D. McBrayer

Use of Natural Surface Roadways by Florida Scrub Herpetofauna, David Tevs and Lance D. McBrayer

DNA Methylation Patterns Differ in Lizards Occupying Unpaved Road Compared to Forest Interior Habitat, David Tevs, Lance D. McBrayer, and Aaron Schrey

Unpaved Road Homogenize DNA Methylation Compared to Stand Interiors in a Small Ectotherm, David Tevs, Lance D. McBrayer, and Aaron Schrey

Submissions from 2021

Assessing Drought Effects on Consumer-mediated Ecosystem Processes Using Experimental Wetlands, Victoria T. Baglin, I. Leach, M. Carter, E. Miller, L. Keller, A. Shaffer, and Jose Checo Colón-Gaud

Emerging Towards a More Diverse Community of Freshwater Scientists, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Fostering Diversity and Broadening Participation in Aquatic Science, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Fostering Diversity in the Natural Sciences Through Recruitment and Mentoring, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Wading for Change: Towards a More Diverse Community of Freshwater Scientists, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Emerging towards a more diverse community of freshwater scientists, using the 4DEE framework, José Checo Colón-Gaud, A. Rosemond, Amanda T. Rugenski, Patina Mendez, D. McGarvey, and B. Ondich

Short-term Diatom Community Responses to Drought Conditions in Experimental Wetlands, Maggie M. Kuhn, Craig Aumack, and Jose Checo Colón-Gaud

Can’t stop, won’t stop – Continuing the journey to full inclusivity in freshwater science with the Emerge Program, A. Rosemond, Patina Mendez, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, Amanda T. Rugenski, D. McGarvey, and B. Ondich

Macroinvertebrate responses to hydrological variation in experimental wetlands, Sergio A. Sabat-Bonilla and José Checo Colón-Gaud

Lizards on a Lane: Use of Natural Surface Roadways by Florida Scrub Herpetofauna, David Tevs and Lance D. McBrayer

Submissions from 2020

From REU to the Profession, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Many Rivers to Cross: Towards a More Diverse Community of Freshwater Scientists, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Many Rivers to Cross: Towards a More Diverse Community of Freshwater Scientists, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Training Middle and High School Teachers at OUR2SWAMP, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, Lacey D. Huffling, Heather Scott, Kania Greer, Shainaz M. Landge, and Mary Thaler


Creating A Public Dataset from a Plant Ecology Class Research Project: The Value of Digital Commons as a Pedagogical Tool for Research, Lissa M. Leege, Shannon Matzke, Michaella Valkenaar, Rachel Rozelle, Dawn N. Cannon-Rech, and Jeffrey M. Mortimore


Applied Functional Biology: linking ecological morphology to conservation and management, Lance D. McBrayer, Eric McElroy, and Diego Sustaita


Integrating Studies of Function and Ecology to Inform Conservation and Management, Lance D. McBrayer, Richard W. Orton, Lauren K. Neel, Matthew Kaunert, Derek Tucker, and S. C. Williams

Submissions from 2018


Biomonitoring of Ogeechee River Invertebrate Assemblages: Patterns of Community Structure, Julien M. Buchbinder, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, and Stephen P. Vives


The Role of Local Adaptation on Biting Performance in Trinidadian Guppies, Hannah E. Cohen and Emily A. Kane

Beauty and the Creek: Citizen Science Partnerships Raise Awareness of Freshwater Resources, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Diversity in Aquatic Science Symposium: Avenues for Broadening Participation Through Community Science, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Inclusive Science Series: Broadening Participation Through Undergraduate Mentoring Programs, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Investigation of the Reproductive Traits in the Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) off the GA/SC Coast Using Microsatellite Analysis, K. S. Craven, C. Webb, Alexandria K. Ragsdale, and Aaron W. Schrey

The Role of Aquaporin 9 (Aqp9) in the Osmoregulatory Tissues Of the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus Acanthias, Christopher P. Cutler

Implementing a CURE Curriculum at Primarily Undergraduate Institution: Faculty Experiences and Instruction, Sue DeChenne-Peters, N. Scheuermann, J. Young, and Y. Yin

Epigenetic Potential in Native and Introduced Populations of House Sparrows, Haley Hanson, Holly J. Kilvitis, Aaron W. Schrey, and Lynn Martin

Epigenetic Potential in Native and Introduced Populations of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus), Haley Hanson, Holly J. Kilvitis, Aaron W. Schrey, and Lynn Martin

Aquaponics, Heather Joesting

Aquaponics: The Future of Farming, Heather Joesting

Sustainability: On the Coast and Beyond, Heather Joesting

Sustainability: On the Coast and Beyond, Heather Joesting

Avoidance or Tolerance? Adaptations of the Sand Dune Herb Hydrocotyle boanriensis in Response to High Light, Heather M. Joesting


Morphological and Physiological Response of the Sand Dune Herb Hydrocotyle bonariensis to High Solar Irradiance, Heather M. Joesting and Sarah Gray

Investigating the Effect of Oxygen Circulation on Basil Plant Growth in an Aquaponics System, Sakile Johnson, Ellesse Petty, Chris Lee, Jonathan Pope, and Heather M. Joesting


Investigating the Effect of Oxygen Circulation on Basil Plant Growth in an Aquaponics System, Sakile Johnson, Ellesse Petty, Chris Lee, Jonathan Pope, and Heather M. Joesting


An Ecological Specialization Gradient Does Not Lead to Performance Specialization in Suction-Feeding Guppies, Emily A. Kane and Cameron K. Ghalambor


Morphological Variation as a Function of Habitat Preference in Phrynosomatid Lizards, Chase T. Kinsey and Lance D. McBrayer


The Role of Forelimbs in Bipedal Running Lizards, Chase T. Kinsey and Lance D. McBrayer


Bioassessments Techniques for Benthic Macroinvertebrate in the Savannah and Ogeechee River, Kelsey A. Laymon, Damon L. Mullis, and Jose Checo Colón-Gaud


Investigating the Function of the Xanthophyll Cycle in the Sand Dune Herb Hydrocotyle bonariensis, Christopher Lee, M. Ellesse Petty, Jonathan Pope, Sarah Gray, and Heather M. Joesting

Barnacle Colonization on Spartina alterniflora in Georgia Salt Marshes, C. Lee, M. E. Petty, J. Pope, Michele Guidone, and Heather M. Joesting


Habitat Management Affects Traits Tied to Individual Fitness; Parasites, Signals, and Performance, Lance D. McBrayer, R. O. Orton, and Chase T. Kinsey


Thermal Physiology of Invasive Lizard Changes Seasonally, Lauren K. Neel and Lance D. McBrayer


Habitat Management Affects Traits Tied to Individual Fitness: Parasites, Signals, and Performance, Richard William Orton, Chase T. Kinsey, and Lance D. McBrayer

Association of Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacteria with Oenothera humifusa (Evening Primrose) Roots, E. Parker, J. Ferguson, N. Tarbell, Heather M. Joesting, and J. Broft Bailey

Potential Functionality of the Xanthophyll Cycle in the Sand Dune Herb Hydrocotyle bonariensis, M. E. Petty, C. Lee, J. Pope, and Heather M. Joesting

Potential Effects of Barnacle Colonization on Spartina alterniflora in Georgia Salt Marshes, J. Pope, M. E. Petty, C. Lee, Michele Guidone, and Heather M. Joesting

Silver Carp Population Genetics from Tributaries of a Large Midwestern River, S. J. Schaick, C. J. Moody-Carpenter, Aaron W. Schrey, K. Miller, D. H. Wahl, and Robert E. Colombo

Population Genomics of a Monitored Sea Anemone (Condylactis gigantea) in Florida, U.S., Nancy Sheridan, Seifu Seyoum, W. Sharp, Benjamin Titus, M. Daly, Aaron W. Schrey, and Christina L. Richards

COPUS Profiles 2.0: Characterization of Instructional Practices in STEM Courses Offered in North American Universities, Marilyne Stains, Jordan Harshman, Marc Levis-Fitzgerald, Michelle K. Smith, MacKenzie R. Stetzer, Nicole Michelotti, Timothy A. McKay, Jenny Knight, Stephanie Chasteen, Patricia Schulte, Natalie G. Schimpf, Tammy Rodela, Laura Weir, Blaire Van Valkenburgh, M. Kevin Eagan, Christopher J. Lee, Frank A. Laski, Erin R. Sanders, Amanda Musgrove, Megan K. Barker, Renée S. Cole, Sue DeChenne-Peters, Kathryn M. Plank, Joan M. Esson, Paul Wendel, Anna M. Young, Stanley M. Lo, Lisa McDonnell, Michael S. Palmer, Erin L. Vinson, and Lindsay B. Wheeler


Heritability of Morphological Traits Across Divergent Environments in Guppies (Poecilia reticulata), E. B. Young and Emily A. Kane

Submissions from 2017

Impact of Barnacle Colonization on Spartina alterniflora in Georgia Salt Marshes, E. Ashe, Rachel Hines, J. Lane, Michele Guidone, and Heather M. Joesting


Seasonal Differences in the Composition of Ogeechee River Benthic Communities in Response to Temporal and Environmental Factors, Julien M. Buchbinder, Allison K. Lutz, Vallie B. Collins II, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, and Stephen P. Vives


Spatial and Seasonal Variation of Macroinvertebrate Biotic Indices of the Lower Ogeechee River Basin, Julien M. Buchbinder, Allison K. Lutz, Vallie B. Collins II, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, and Stephen P. Vives

Utilizing Colonized Aquaponics Systems: Evaluation of Macroinvertbrates in an Aquaponics System, J. Carl and Heather M. Joesting


Bay Scallops: The High Resolution Canary in the Highly-Fertilized Coal Mine, Jessica L. Carlton, Lorie E. Williams, John M. Carroll, Steve T. Tettelbach, Bradley J. Peterson, Aswani K. Volety, and Elizabeth S. Darrow


Not a Fun Threesome: the Prevalence, Impact and Interaction of Boring Sponges and Pea Crabs on Oysters, John M. Carroll, Jessica C. Watts, Christopher M. Finelli, and Daphne Munroe


Comparison of Leaflitter Processing and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Three Coastal Plain Rivers of Southeast Georgia, Vallie B. Collins II and Jose Checo Colón-Gaud


Comparing Leaf Breakdown and Macroinvertebrate Assemblages Among Three Coastal Plain Rivers, V. Byron Collins II and Jose Checo Colón-Gaud

Advanced Macroinvertebrate Identification, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Watershed and basic hydrology; Fisheries, José Checo Colón-Gaud

Faculty/Library Collaborations in Support of Learning, José Checo Colón-Gaud and Lisa P. Smith

Phenotypic Plasticity in Hydrocotyle bonariensis, J. Counts and Heather M. Joesting

Invited speaker, University of Arkansas, Department of Biology, Christopher P. Cutler


Education, Outreach, and Monitoring at Beautiful Eagle Creek at Georgia Southern University, Ashley Deal, Aubrie Goodson, Candace Moon, Vallie B. Collins II, and Jose Checo Colón-Gaud


Intraspecific Space Use in Peromyscus polionotus, Emily H. Evans and J. Michelle Cawthorn

Characterization of the Nitrogen-Fixing Microbial Community Associated with the Dune Plant Oenothera (Evening Primrose), J. Ferguson, N. Tarbell, Heather M. Joesting, and J. Broft-Bailey

Detection of Nitrogen Fixers That Associate with Oenothera Dune Plants on Georgia Barrier Islands, J. Ferguson, N. Tarbell, Heather M. Joesting, and J. Broft-Bailey

Graduate Learning Community: Designing Assignments, Quizzes, and Tests, Delena Bell Gatch and J. Michelle Cawthorn

Groundwater Pollution Reduction Through Biochar Adsorption of Herbicide Dacthal, Olajumoke Harrison, Elizabeth Baker, Subhrajit Saha, and Arpita Saha

Conservation, Procreation and Introgression in Sturgeons of the Genus Scaphirhynchus in the Mississippi and Missouri River Basins, E. Heist, Aaron W. Schrey, K. Kingsland, M. Saltzgiver, R. Boley, Pamela Pitman Brown, M. Krampe, T. Kashiwagi, E. Krahl, and J. Doias

Spatial Distribution of Barnacles on Spartina alterniflora Stems and Leaves, Rachel Hines, Michele Guidone, J. Lane, E. Ashe, and Heather M. Joesting

Barnacle Colonization on Spartina alterniflora in Georgia Salt Marshes, Heather M. Joesting, J. Lane, Rachel Hines, E. Ashe, and Michele Guidone


Swimming While Feeding in Fishes: What Do Guppies Tell Us About the Roles of Specialization and Local Adaptation?, Emily A. Kane, M. M. Roeder, and M. D. DeRue


The Effect of Obstacles and Forelimb Positions on Bipedal Locomotion in Lizards, Chase T. Kinsey and Lance D. McBrayer


Restoration by Transplantation: Using a Filter-Feeding Gastropod, Crepidula fornicata, to Rehabilitate Great South Bay, New York: Preliminary Surveys, Nicole L. Kleinas, Bradley J. Peterson, Stephen T. Tettelbach, and John M. Carroll

Invasive Asian Carp: The Role of Epigenetics in the Successful Establishment of Silver and Bighead Carp in Illinois, E. Krahl, Aaron W. Schrey, J. Tong, and E. Heist

The Effects of Barnacle Colonization on Spartina alterniflora Growth and Productivity in Coastal Georgia, J. Lane, E. Ashe, Rachel Hines, Michele Guidone, and Heather M. Joesting


Assessment of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Apsive Samplers for Southeastern Coastal Plain Non-Wadeable Streams, Kelsey A. Laymon, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, Damon L. Mullis, and Oscar P. Flite III


Comparing Three Types of Passive Samplers for the Assessment of Macroinvertebrates in Non-Wadeable Rivers, Kelsey A. Laymon, Damon L. Mullis, Chalisa Nestell, Jason Moak, Oscar P. Flite III, and Jose Checo Colón-Gaud


Connecting the Dots: A Basic Food Web of the Lower Ogeechee River Basin, Allison K. Lutz and Jose Checo Colón-Gaud


Diet of the Snail Bullhead (Ameiurus brunneus) in the Lower Ogeechee River, Allison K. Lutz, Jose Checo Colón-Gaud, and Stephen P. Vives

The Role of Physiological Integrators in Avian Range Expansions, Lynn Martin, Aaron W. Schrey, Haley E. Hanson, and Holly J. Kilvitis

The Role of Physiological Integrators in Avian Range Expansions, Lynn Martin, Aaron W. Schrey, Haley E. Hanson, and Holly J. Kilvitis