Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date

Spring 2-6-2024


With an increase in technology, a number of consumers are having new interactions with technology they experience when staying in hotels. A social media content analysis was conducted of Google Reviews of a number of hotels with service robots deployed. Hotels from the United States and Japan were analyzed. Reviews were scraped using online software and analyzed. The first round was a sentiment analysis to see the perceptions of online reviews containing information about the service robots. The majority of online reviews featuring robots were positive, with an overwhelmingly positive response from online reviewers in the U.S. After the sentiment analysis, an inductive thematic analysis was conducted on the online reviews to find common themes amongst the reviews. The main themes identified from the reviews were Interactions, Brand Equity, Brand Image, and Behavioral Intentions. A conceptual model is being constructed to test the effects these themes have on each other.
