Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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“NBA teams use a variety of marketing techniques to try to increase game attendance.” (Dick and Turner 2007) Past studies have been done on comparisons of marketing techniques in different seasons (Dick and Sack, 2003), and the comparison of value between fans and marketing directors (Dick and Turner, 2007). Thus, this study is focused on comparing the difference in the value of marketing strategies between “small” market and “large” market teams in the NBA. This study will give us a better understanding on the difference in marketing techniques for “small” market teams compared to the “large” market teams.

About the Authors

Kyle Ronkartz is a graduate student studying Sport and Recreation Studies at George Mason University. Prior to the Master’s program, he earned his B.S. in Sport Management also at George Mason University. While completing his studies, he works as a Ticket Sales Intern for George Mason’s Athletic Department.

Dr. Ronald Dick is an Associate Professor of Sport Marketing at Duquesne University in the School of Business. He was an Assistant Professor in Sport Management at James Madison University and an Associate Professor at the University of New Haven. He has 15 years’ experience in the NBA with the Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Nets. Dr. Dick was the Assistant Dean for Sport Athletic Programs at Marian College (WI) and Assistant Athletic Director for Ticket Operations at the University of Houston. He has an Ed.D. from Temple University, an MBA from St. Joseph’s University, and a B.S. from St. Joseph’s University.

Dr. Christopher Atwater is an Associate Professor of Sport Management at Pfeiffer University and serves as the Director of Sport Management programs in the Division of Business. Prior to joining Pfeiffer, he was an Assistant Professor of Sport Management for six years in the School of Recreation, Health and Tourism at George Mason University. He is a graduate of Skidmore College where he received his B.A. in History. He earned his M.S. in Recreation, Parks and Sport Leadership and his Ph.D. in Education, Urban Services Leadership at Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Atwater teaches a variety of courses including Principles of Sport Management, Sport Finance, Sport Marketing, and Research Methods.

Dr. Robert Baker is a professor and director of the Center for Sport Management and Division of Sport Recreation and Tourism at George Mason University. He earned his doctorate from the College of William & Mary, and his M.S. and B.S. from Penn State University. He has served as president of the North American Society for Sport Management, as a founding commissioner of the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation and a founding board member of the World Association of Sport Management. Dr. Baker received NASSM’s 2010 Distinguished Sport Management Educator Award and NASPE’s 2011 Outstanding Achievement in Sport Management Award. In addition to numerous books and articles, Dr. Baker has served as the principal investigator on over $7 million in grants supporting sport diplomacy projects.

Craig Esherick is an Associate Professor in the Sport Management program at George Mason University, currently finishing up his tenth year. He is the Associate Director of the Center for Sport Management, the Academic Program Coordinator for the Sport Management program and also the Internship Coordinator for Sport Management.

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