Landing Additional Green Consumers by Connecting with Fly Fishing Enthusiasts

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Conference Track

Marketing Research/ Demographics/ Consumer Behavior

Publication Date



Can non-profit and for-profit marketers that are making efforts to protect the environment attract additional green consumers by targeting fly fishing enthusiasts? This paper proposes to answer this question through two studies that examine the characteristics of those who fly fish (Study 1) and those who work in the fly fishing industry (Study 2). Fly fishing enthusiasts are an attractive lifestyle segment in for these marketers because they are educated and successful. The studies aim to discover whether the characteristics of the fly fishing enthusiasts affect their likelihood of engaging in pro-environmental behaviors. For example, does the fly fishing enthusiast keep the fish, or do they participate in catch and release? Does the fly fishing enthusiast buy a lot of equipment? Does the fly fishing enthusiast travel? The results will indicate whether and, if so, when green marketers should target fly fishing enthusiasts.

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