About this Collection

The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the School of Accountancy.

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Submissions from 2021

Do No Harm: Whistleblowing on Medicare Fraud, Melvin Lamboy-Ruiz, Britton A. McKay, and Andrea M. Scheetz

Restricted Stock is on the Rise: What Does this Mean for Whistleblowing?, Andrea M. Scheetz, Joseph Wall, and Aaron B. Wilson

Submissions from 2020

Outsiders Looking in: Do Non-permanent Workers Whistleblow?, Darin Kip Holderness, Andrea M. Scheetz, and Joseph Wall

How Stock Options Influence People to Whistleblow?, Andrea M. Scheetz

An Investigation of the Reporting of Significant Diversions of Assets on Form 990, Andrea M. Scheetz, William Brian Dowis, and Aaron B. Wilson

Outsiders Looking in: Do Non-Permanent Workers Whistleblow?, Andrea M. Scheetz, Joseph Wall, and Darin Kip Holderness

An Investigation of the Reporting of Significant Diversions of Assets on Form 990, Andrea M. Scheetz, Aaron B. Wilson, and William Brian Dowis

How Stock Options Influence People to Whistleblow, Joseph Wall and Andrea M. Scheetz

Submissions from 2018

The Strategic Virtues of Legal Uncertainty: Evidence from China, Justin W. Evans

Submissions from 2017

A Tale of Three Fraud Schemes, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Catching Fraudsters with their Hands in the Till, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Cleaning Up After Fraudsters, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Effective Interviewing Techniques for Auditors, Thomas A. Buckhoff


Identity Theft Fraud, Thomas A. Buckhoff


Keeping Honest People Honest: The Importance of Internal Controls, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Top 10 Fraud Schemes, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Why Internal Controls Often Fail, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Why Internal Controls Often Fail, Thomas A. Buckhoff


Teaching Teachers to Teach, Kimberly Dunn, Stephanie A. Hairston, Mark Kohlbeck, Charlene P. Spiceland, and J. David Spiceland

The Strategic Virtues of Legal Uncertainty: Evidence from China, Justin W. Evans


Assessment of Oral Presentations in an Undergraduate Accounting Program: An Application of Videotapes, Role Play and Student Involvement, Leslie B. Fletcher, Linda G. Mullen, and Gloria J. Stuart

Innocent Spouse Relief: An Analysis, Michael Wiggins

Submissions from 2015

Cleaning Up After Fraudsters, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Cleaning Up After Fraudsters, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Conducting Effective Fraud Investigations, Thomas A. Buckhoff

How to Tell if Someone is Lying, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Introduction to Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting, Thomas A. Buckhoff

The Top 20 Fraud Schemes, Thomas A. Buckhoff

The Top Five Fraud Schemes, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Why Internal Controls Often Fail, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Research and Publishing in Forensic Accounting, Timothy Pearson

Submissions from 2014

Catching Fraudsters with Their Hands in the Till, Thomas A. Buckhoff


Forensic Accountants: The Fraudbusters, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Forensic Accounting, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Identity Theft Fraud, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Procurement Fraud Prevention and Detection, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Providing Litigation Support Services as a Forensic Accountant, Thomas A. Buckhoff

The Top Five Fraud Schemes, Thomas A. Buckhoff

The Top Five Fraud Schemes, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Why Internal Controls Often Fail, Thomas A. Buckhoff

BYOD, Timothy D. Cairney

Data Breach Prevention, Timothy Pearson

Data Mining for Accountants, Timothy Pearson

Submissions from 2013

Bulletproofing Your Expert Report, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Cleaning Up After Fraudsters, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Conducting Procurement Fraud Investigations, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Expert Witnessing in the Classroom, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Forensic Accountants: The Fraudbusters, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Forensic Accountants: The Fraudbusters, Thomas A. Buckhoff

How Forensic Accountants Use Math, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Why Internal Controls Fail, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Why Internal Controls Often Fail, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Submissions from 2011

Forensic Accountants as Experts, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Fraud and the Law, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Fraud Prevention via Employment Screening, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Fraudulent Financial Reporting, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Keeping Honest People Honest: The Importance of Internal Controls, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Keeping Honest People Honest: The Importance of Internal Controls, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Lean Accounting, Timothy D. Cairney

Submissions from 2010

Catching Fraudsters with Their Hands in the Till, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Cleaning Up After Fraudsters, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Ethics and the CPA, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Forensic Accountants: The Fraudbusters, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Investigating Fraud: A Hands-On Workshop, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Testifying as a Forensic Accounting Expert, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Testifying as a Forensic Accounting Expert, Thomas A. Buckhoff

The Top 15 Fraud Schemes, Thomas A. Buckhoff

The Top 15 Fraud Schemes, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Submissions from 2009

Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting, Thomas A. Buckhoff

Fraudulent Financial Reporting, Thomas A. Buckhoff