Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date

Spring 2024


As consumers spend more time within digital environments, social media continues to be a critical tool for marketers. One of the most unique forms of communication specific to digital environments is the emoji. The marketing literature has identified numerous positive outcomes associated with marketers’ use of emojis, including strengthening persuasive appeals for social media influencers, increasing consumers’ feelings of positive affect, and bolstering engagement with branded communications. While brands use of emojis can offer benefits, it is critical to question if emoji usage always leads to favorable outcomes for marketers. Therefore, the goal of this research is to investigate when brand’s use of emojis might harm consumers’ perceptions of brands. We argue that in certain situations, brands use of emojis deviate from consumers anticipated interactions with marketers in social media environments. This violation of expectations then negatively impacts consumers’ attitudes toward brands.

Included in

Marketing Commons
