Socio-Scientific Argumentation as a Driver for Science Learning
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Publication Title
New Perspectives in Science Education
Socio-scientific instruction is a decades-old framework for teaching; however teachers still struggle with meaningful classroom implementation. If the goal of education is to create critical thinkers who can logical examine scientific arguments then we must provide students with opportunities to engage in argument. For this reason, we recommend using SSI as a driver for classroom science learning. In SSI, the outcome of the argument is not as critical as the process of argumentation, enveloping the nature of science throughout; allowing students to make and support claims, counter-argue, discuss, and respond critically to others, all while learning how science content impacts their world. Using three simple phases of SSI implementation: prior knowledge, activation, and evidence to enhance student-centered exploration in science may improve teacher willingness to employ SSI strategies in their classrooms.
Recommended Citation
Greer, Kania, Amanda L. Glaze.
"Socio-Scientific Argumentation as a Driver for Science Learning."
New Perspectives in Science Education, 5: 273-276.
doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14176.28160 isbn: 9788862927055