Combining math, literacy, science, and more: Centers in Action

Session Format

Workshop (90 minutes)

Target Audience

K12 Educators


Workshop 4 (PARB 255)

Abstract for the conference program

This workshop will model strategies for planning and implementing effective centers in math and science classrooms. Teachers will be engaged as learners and then transition to their role as teachers to plan for integrated lessons.

First, teachers will engage in four centers that model reading, math, science, technology, and art with one topic. One set will focus on science and math standards for powers of ten in fifth grade. The other set will include science and math in third grade. The teachers will engage as learners to identify the qualities of effective instruction as identified by Hattie and Marzano.

The second portion of this workshop aims to help teachers identify specific strategies to develop a set of interdisciplinary activities that can be applied to different scenarios. Teachers can begin to plan for interdisciplinary deliver standards based content through interactive centers that deliver both STEM and STEAM education in one class.

Proposal Track

T1: Teaching and Learning in the STEM Field

Start Date

3-23-2019 10:00 AM

End Date

3-23-2019 11:30 AM

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

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Mar 23rd, 10:00 AM Mar 23rd, 11:30 AM

Combining math, literacy, science, and more: Centers in Action

Workshop 4 (PARB 255)

This workshop will model strategies for planning and implementing effective centers in math and science classrooms. Teachers will be engaged as learners and then transition to their role as teachers to plan for integrated lessons.

First, teachers will engage in four centers that model reading, math, science, technology, and art with one topic. One set will focus on science and math standards for powers of ten in fifth grade. The other set will include science and math in third grade. The teachers will engage as learners to identify the qualities of effective instruction as identified by Hattie and Marzano.

The second portion of this workshop aims to help teachers identify specific strategies to develop a set of interdisciplinary activities that can be applied to different scenarios. Teachers can begin to plan for interdisciplinary deliver standards based content through interactive centers that deliver both STEM and STEAM education in one class.