Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: Role Play as an Engagement Tool in STEM Education

Role Play as an Engagement Tool in STEM Education

Conference Tracks

Teaching Practices (Poster Only) – Analysis, synthesis, reflection, and discussion


Role-playing is gaining popularity as an effective tool for providing an engaging leaning experience in the classroom. These activities and laboratory experiments employ small-group collaboration to help increase student engagement, immerse students in the learning process and help create ownership of knowledge. One example is a role-play exercise to teach students about natural selection and evolution using a hands on activity. Students create an organism with adaptations to survive in a pre-selected environment. This was part of a semester-long Earth Summit role play that was used in an Introduction to Environmental Science course. Significant improvement in student attitude and self-efficacy in science were found using a pre/post survey. We describe the outcomes of these exercises, the process for preparing role-playing activities, how to conduct them and how we made changes in course design based on our data.

Session Format




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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Jan 24th, 8:30 AM Jan 24th, 10:00 AM

Role Play as an Engagement Tool in STEM Education


Role-playing is gaining popularity as an effective tool for providing an engaging leaning experience in the classroom. These activities and laboratory experiments employ small-group collaboration to help increase student engagement, immerse students in the learning process and help create ownership of knowledge. One example is a role-play exercise to teach students about natural selection and evolution using a hands on activity. Students create an organism with adaptations to survive in a pre-selected environment. This was part of a semester-long Earth Summit role play that was used in an Introduction to Environmental Science course. Significant improvement in student attitude and self-efficacy in science were found using a pre/post survey. We describe the outcomes of these exercises, the process for preparing role-playing activities, how to conduct them and how we made changes in course design based on our data.