Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: Teaching Teachers’ Teachers about Teaching

Conference Tracks

Teaching Practices (Poster Only) – Analysis, synthesis, reflection, and discussion


What do you teach educational administrators about teaching? In both P-12 and higher education, administrators benefit from a course on adult pedagogy (i.e., andragogy). This poster highlights the topics, activities, assessments, and outcomes from a graduate-level course at Georgia Southern University, Pedagogical Issues in Educational Leadership. The key topics include: today's adult learner, adult theories of learning, curriculum design and delivery, best practices in college teaching, personal teaching philosophy, the assessment of learning, and the evaluation of teaching. When students finish, they have an evidence-based foundation in exemplary course design principles and have also articulated how they reify good teaching.

Session Format




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Jan 24th, 8:30 AM Jan 24th, 10:00 AM

Teaching Teachers’ Teachers about Teaching


What do you teach educational administrators about teaching? In both P-12 and higher education, administrators benefit from a course on adult pedagogy (i.e., andragogy). This poster highlights the topics, activities, assessments, and outcomes from a graduate-level course at Georgia Southern University, Pedagogical Issues in Educational Leadership. The key topics include: today's adult learner, adult theories of learning, curriculum design and delivery, best practices in college teaching, personal teaching philosophy, the assessment of learning, and the evaluation of teaching. When students finish, they have an evidence-based foundation in exemplary course design principles and have also articulated how they reify good teaching.