Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: THE SOTL SCAFFOLD: Strategies for Fostering a Culture of Evidence-Based Practice

THE SOTL SCAFFOLD: Strategies for Fostering a Culture of Evidence-Based Practice

Conference Tracks

Academic/ Professional Development - Research


We present the SoTL scaffold, a conceptual model designed for faculty and staff who support the values, practices, and production of the scholarship of teaching and learning, both on their campuses and beyond. The SoTL scaffold explicates distinct support levels, ranging from “spark” to “lead,” each of which call for differentiated strategies and programs. We will share best practices for each level, compiled from the results of an international survey, and work with participants to create an integrated and interdependent SoTL support plan that fits the distinctive culture of their campuses.

Session Format



Room 5

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Jan 25th, 10:15 AM Jan 25th, 11:00 AM

THE SOTL SCAFFOLD: Strategies for Fostering a Culture of Evidence-Based Practice

Room 5

We present the SoTL scaffold, a conceptual model designed for faculty and staff who support the values, practices, and production of the scholarship of teaching and learning, both on their campuses and beyond. The SoTL scaffold explicates distinct support levels, ranging from “spark” to “lead,” each of which call for differentiated strategies and programs. We will share best practices for each level, compiled from the results of an international survey, and work with participants to create an integrated and interdependent SoTL support plan that fits the distinctive culture of their campuses.