Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: Librarians in SoTL: Four Models of Engagement

Librarians in SoTL: Four Models of Engagement

Conference Tracks

About SoTL – Analysis, synthesis, reflection, and discussion


An important question resulting from SoTL's "big tent" metaphor and the "students as partners" movement is "Who does SoTL?" -- a question that invites us to consider others whose greater involvement would strengthen the field as a whole. We recommend purposefully engaging librarians in SoTL because they bring complementary perspectives, powerful areas of expertise, and significant insights into students’ learning experiences. In this poster, we will outline four different models of librarian engagement with SoTL: consultant, partner, collaborator, and SoTL scholar.

Session Format



Room 3

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Jan 25th, 11:15 AM Jan 25th, 12:00 PM

Librarians in SoTL: Four Models of Engagement

Room 3

An important question resulting from SoTL's "big tent" metaphor and the "students as partners" movement is "Who does SoTL?" -- a question that invites us to consider others whose greater involvement would strengthen the field as a whole. We recommend purposefully engaging librarians in SoTL because they bring complementary perspectives, powerful areas of expertise, and significant insights into students’ learning experiences. In this poster, we will outline four different models of librarian engagement with SoTL: consultant, partner, collaborator, and SoTL scholar.