Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: Encountering History and History Instruction: Perceptions of Emerging Teachers

Encountering History and History Instruction: Perceptions of Emerging Teachers

Conference Tracks

Assessment and SoTL - Research


Presentation explores the relationship between the teaching and learning of history in college and the perceptions and disciplinary understandings of future secondary history teachers. In other words, “How do students’ disciplinary understandings affect their emerging conceptualization of discipline-specific teaching?” Centered on students’ different perceptions of the work of historians, history teachers, and students of history, the presentation examines data from two universities and includes an opportunity for teachers in different areas to examine classroom and curriculum challenges, both unique and across disciplinary boundaries, related to pedagogical content knowledge.

Session Format



Room 4

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Jan 24th, 10:15 AM Jan 24th, 11:00 AM

Encountering History and History Instruction: Perceptions of Emerging Teachers

Room 4

Presentation explores the relationship between the teaching and learning of history in college and the perceptions and disciplinary understandings of future secondary history teachers. In other words, “How do students’ disciplinary understandings affect their emerging conceptualization of discipline-specific teaching?” Centered on students’ different perceptions of the work of historians, history teachers, and students of history, the presentation examines data from two universities and includes an opportunity for teachers in different areas to examine classroom and curriculum challenges, both unique and across disciplinary boundaries, related to pedagogical content knowledge.