Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: Me? Do SoTL Research? But, I'm No Trent Maurer!

Me? Do SoTL Research? But, I'm No Trent Maurer!




Non-research Project / About SoTL


Anyone attending a SoTL Conference, cannot but be impressed, and perhaps overwhelmed, by the quality and diversity of the formal and poster presentations that are offered. From student-learning measures to "flipped classrooms;" from on-line approaches to student motivations; from theory to practice; it is all covered, and covered well. In true scholarly fashion, lines of research have been developed that are regularly addressed. One might also think, "I could study that topic," or, "I wish I could do something in that area, but..." Many things can "get in the way" of ones research ideas, be they Time, Institutional Blocks, Perceived Low Levels of Expertise, or simply Unfamiliarity with the Research Process as it applies to SoTL. In this presentation, SoTL research and the research process will be dissected, existing and potential obstacles will be addressed and worked around, and participants' project ideas will be manipulated to become "in hand" projects, ready to implement. Beginning with one, "smallest of ideas" that was turned into a data-based SoTL study, participants' will use their current "issues" in teaching, pedagogy, and/or classrooms to explore the SoTL research process and develop plans for implementing a SoTL project.

Session Format

Presentation Session


Room 218


Mar 31st, 2:00 PM Mar 31st, 2:45 PM

Me? Do SoTL Research? But, I'm No Trent Maurer!

Room 218

Anyone attending a SoTL Conference, cannot but be impressed, and perhaps overwhelmed, by the quality and diversity of the formal and poster presentations that are offered. From student-learning measures to "flipped classrooms;" from on-line approaches to student motivations; from theory to practice; it is all covered, and covered well. In true scholarly fashion, lines of research have been developed that are regularly addressed. One might also think, "I could study that topic," or, "I wish I could do something in that area, but..." Many things can "get in the way" of ones research ideas, be they Time, Institutional Blocks, Perceived Low Levels of Expertise, or simply Unfamiliarity with the Research Process as it applies to SoTL. In this presentation, SoTL research and the research process will be dissected, existing and potential obstacles will be addressed and worked around, and participants' project ideas will be manipulated to become "in hand" projects, ready to implement. Beginning with one, "smallest of ideas" that was turned into a data-based SoTL study, participants' will use their current "issues" in teaching, pedagogy, and/or classrooms to explore the SoTL research process and develop plans for implementing a SoTL project.