SoTL Publishing 101: Editors' Perspectives and Advice




Non-research Project / About SoTL


Is your project ready to publish? Join the editors of the International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to discuss the publication process. The editors will explore the entire process from preparation, submission, reviews, revisions and pre-publication production to final publication. This session will highlight common pitfalls and provide hints for successful publication. In addition, the editors will be happy to explore manuscript ideas or answer project-specific questions. The session is mainly targeting SoTL researchers who have collected and analysed data, and who are now preparing a manuscript and looking for publication venues.

Session Format

Presentation Session


Room 218

Publication Type and Release Option



Mar 30th, 2:00 PM Mar 30th, 2:45 PM

SoTL Publishing 101: Editors' Perspectives and Advice

Room 218

Is your project ready to publish? Join the editors of the International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to discuss the publication process. The editors will explore the entire process from preparation, submission, reviews, revisions and pre-publication production to final publication. This session will highlight common pitfalls and provide hints for successful publication. In addition, the editors will be happy to explore manuscript ideas or answer project-specific questions. The session is mainly targeting SoTL researchers who have collected and analysed data, and who are now preparing a manuscript and looking for publication venues.