Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: Reflections on SoTL: A Perspective From the USG SoTL Fellows

Reflections on SoTL: A Perspective From the USG SoTL Fellows




Non-research Project / About SoTL


The panel consists of five of the inaugural University System of Georgia SoTL Fellows - a new system-wide initiative on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Throughout the course of the fellowship, participants will familiarize themselves with existing scholarly research on teaching and learning, and will be encouraged to develop a long-term SoTL research agenda of their own. The purpose of the program is to foster a community of learners and to provide support while participants design and implement a classroom-based research project. Panel members will share personal experiences that led to the initiation of their SoTL project, provide a general description of the project and its implications for teaching and learning in their discipline and/or across disciplines, as well as the reasons that prompted them to apply for the fellowship.

Session Format

Panel Session


Room 218


Mar 31st, 3:00 PM Mar 31st, 3:45 PM

Reflections on SoTL: A Perspective From the USG SoTL Fellows

Room 218

The panel consists of five of the inaugural University System of Georgia SoTL Fellows - a new system-wide initiative on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Throughout the course of the fellowship, participants will familiarize themselves with existing scholarly research on teaching and learning, and will be encouraged to develop a long-term SoTL research agenda of their own. The purpose of the program is to foster a community of learners and to provide support while participants design and implement a classroom-based research project. Panel members will share personal experiences that led to the initiation of their SoTL project, provide a general description of the project and its implications for teaching and learning in their discipline and/or across disciplines, as well as the reasons that prompted them to apply for the fellowship.