
This session will appeal to faculty members, online administrators, and instructional designers who desire a clearer understanding of the relationship between faculty characteristics and their motivation for participating in online instruction. Our session will begin with research in the area of faculty characteristics, such as attitude and number of training sessions attended with is or her willingness to get involved with online instruction (Gunay, 2013). Each panel member, representing various disciplines in a two-year technical college, will share his or her own training experiences and best practices, including he benefits of master course shell content and progressive faculty training as it relates to web-enhanced, blended, and online instruction.


Room 2011

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Mar 25th, 4:00 PM Mar 25th, 5:15 PM

Tales of Three Engagements: Web-Enhanced, Blended, and Online Instruction

Room 2011

This session will appeal to faculty members, online administrators, and instructional designers who desire a clearer understanding of the relationship between faculty characteristics and their motivation for participating in online instruction. Our session will begin with research in the area of faculty characteristics, such as attitude and number of training sessions attended with is or her willingness to get involved with online instruction (Gunay, 2013). Each panel member, representing various disciplines in a two-year technical college, will share his or her own training experiences and best practices, including he benefits of master course shell content and progressive faculty training as it relates to web-enhanced, blended, and online instruction.