
Professional competency of an educator is not limited to content expertise and teaching skills. Skillful and reflective evaluation of student achievement is as important as designing and delivering effective educational experiences. The School of Nursing played a significant role in the successful adoption of an institution-wide assessment process, largely because outcome measurement is innate to the profession. A singular assessment model was adopted at the university level with input from nursing faculty. An interdisciplinary committee, including nursing, was created to assist in implementing the newly adopted assessment process. Efforts included policy creation and faculty development across the institution. Faulty development workshops included creating effective assessment rubrics, developing action plans for improving student outcomes, and examining the entire assessment process. Many examples of assessment of student learning were provided by nursing and served as a model for other disciplines and programs. Following these efforts, a consistent assessment process has been adopted, faculty is more involved in assessment, and a greater emphasis on student learning is evident as opposed to faculty teaching. Sustaining an effective assessment process is essential. Nursing will continue to be involved in cultivating a culture that values assessment of student learning through ongoing interdisciplinary faculty development and involvement in the assessment process.


Room 1220 A


Mar 26th, 10:00 AM Mar 26th, 10:45 AM

Nursing's Role in Developing and Implementing an Academic Assessment Process at a Comprehensive State University

Room 1220 A

Professional competency of an educator is not limited to content expertise and teaching skills. Skillful and reflective evaluation of student achievement is as important as designing and delivering effective educational experiences. The School of Nursing played a significant role in the successful adoption of an institution-wide assessment process, largely because outcome measurement is innate to the profession. A singular assessment model was adopted at the university level with input from nursing faculty. An interdisciplinary committee, including nursing, was created to assist in implementing the newly adopted assessment process. Efforts included policy creation and faculty development across the institution. Faulty development workshops included creating effective assessment rubrics, developing action plans for improving student outcomes, and examining the entire assessment process. Many examples of assessment of student learning were provided by nursing and served as a model for other disciplines and programs. Following these efforts, a consistent assessment process has been adopted, faculty is more involved in assessment, and a greater emphasis on student learning is evident as opposed to faculty teaching. Sustaining an effective assessment process is essential. Nursing will continue to be involved in cultivating a culture that values assessment of student learning through ongoing interdisciplinary faculty development and involvement in the assessment process.