Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: The Factors and Results of a Mathematical Learning Community for First-Year Seminar Students

Conference Tracks

Learning Theories and Pedagogy – Research


Retention is an important factor for today’s college students. In order to foster retention, various types of teaching practices, student motivational techniques, and instructional strategies can be woven into universities’ learning communities that assist in this process. This session will focus on a study of a Mathematical Learning Community for First-Year Students. The presenters will discuss practices, student responses, engagement opportunities, outcomes and results that have been gleaned from the implementation of this community. The participants will have an opportunity to engage in a discussion about the angles and dynamics of facilitating this process with traditional and non-traditional first–year college students in order to gain multiple views.

Session Format



Room 1220

Publication Type and Release Option



Mar 26th, 5:00 PM Mar 26th, 5:45 PM

The Factors and Results of a Mathematical Learning Community for First-Year Seminar Students

Room 1220

Retention is an important factor for today’s college students. In order to foster retention, various types of teaching practices, student motivational techniques, and instructional strategies can be woven into universities’ learning communities that assist in this process. This session will focus on a study of a Mathematical Learning Community for First-Year Students. The presenters will discuss practices, student responses, engagement opportunities, outcomes and results that have been gleaned from the implementation of this community. The participants will have an opportunity to engage in a discussion about the angles and dynamics of facilitating this process with traditional and non-traditional first–year college students in order to gain multiple views.