Post Conference Assessment Data


Conference Assessment Form (online)

N = 105 (54% response rate)

Role(s) of Participant

Role, #, %

Faculty, 90, 86
Administration, 11, 10
Librarian, 0, 0
Staff, 2, 2
Student, 2, 2
Other, 0, 0

Was this your first year at the SoTL Commons?

Response, #, %

Yes, 76, 72%
No, 29, 28%

Assess the quality of the following items:

5 = Strongly Agree
4 = Agree
3 = Undecided
2 = Disagree
1 = Strongly Disagree

Item # : Statement

3A: The conference helped participants share knowledge, 4.64

3B: I made new contacts and opportunities for collaboration, 4.13

3C: The conference offered high value as a professional development experience, 4.38

3D: I experienced how SoTL can improve teaching & learning, 4.40

3E: Concurrent sessions' topics were important and relevant, 4.26

3F: Conference encouraged me to begin/continue doing SoTL, 4.38

3G: The quality of the concurrent sessions was high, 3.99

3H: The quality of the keynote addresses were high,4.40

3I: The quality of the poster session was high, 4.01

3J: The abstract submission & review process was effective (if applicable), 4.23

3K: The value of the SoTL Commons conference web site was high, 4.14

3L: The online registration process was useful, 4.23

3M: The conference program booklet was helpful in selecting programs of interest, 4.51

3N: The quality of the Nessmith-Lane conference facility was high, 4.69

3O: The on-site organization of the conference was of a high level, 4.58

3P: The quality of food & refreshments was high, 4.23

3Q: The hospitality at the conference was high, 4.65

3R: The Wednesday evening Reception at the conference site was enjoyable, 3.76

3S: The Thursday evening Social Event at the Holiday Inn was enjoyable, 3.87

3U: The bus transport between the SoTL Commons & host hotels was of high value, 3.00

3U: Overall evaluation of the conference, 4.4

Overall evaluation of the conference 4.26

Do you plan on attending the 6th Annual SoTL Commons Conference on March 27-29, 2013?

Response, #, %

Yes, 56, 53
Undecided, 43, 41
No, 6, 6



Post Conference Assessment Data