Creating a Learning Community with Mulit-Age Children and Families in a Family Child Care Learning Home

Lynn A. Manfredi/Petitt, Lynn's NET: Nurturing Ed & Learning Services

Human beings are social creatures, traditionally raised in small family groupings. In child care, children benefit from being part of small, predictable “family-like” groups, especially for nurturing routines. Belonging to a community that lasts over time benefits children and adults alike. Everyone thrives when we feel a sense of identity or belonging. When children feel known, “cared for” and “cared about” within a safe, predictable small group, young brains and each child’s “sense of self” blossoms. As part of a caring community, children begin to make sense of the world, as individuals and as a group. They become confident in understanding about how things work and what to expect; they become open and interested in learning. The best way to build community with children is through continuity of care in small groups who can get to know each other and bond to their special adult and to each other, over time.

This Intermediate Level training workshop will inspire family child care providers (and trainers) to implement best practice, using a deepened understanding of healthy social development in young children. It will help participants explore connections between ages & stages and healthy development of identity, early brain growth, school success and life-long mental health, which are enhanced when children develop a sense of belonging to a small, group of peers over time. Participants will increase practitioner awareness, skills and knowledge about building community with a group of young children.

Brief Session Description

Explore a deepened understanding of social development in multi-age family child care learning homes. Participants will add value to the quiet, hidden bonds that grow and flourish as children interact with their provider, each other and enrolled families over time.

Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Creating a Learning Community with Mulit-Age Children and Families in a Family Child Care Learning Home

Explore a deepened understanding of social development in multi-age family child care learning homes. Participants will add value to the quiet, hidden bonds that grow and flourish as children interact with their provider, each other and enrolled families over time.