Volume 18, Issue 1 (1992)
The Southern Business Review was published by the Georgia Southern University College of Business from 1975-2013. The journal issues are available in electronic format through Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. The issues are also available in print format from the University Libraries, Zach S. Henderson Library collection.
The After-Tax Mortgage Refinancing Model: Closed-Form Solution and Analysis
Richard A. Followill and Linda L. Johnson
Part-Time Employment of College Students- A Pilot Study
Jo-Anne Gibson, Phyllis A. King, and P. Pete Chong
The Critical Factors Influencing the Investment Decisions of Life and Health Insurance Companies
Amir A. Jassim and Myron E. Hatcher
Empirical Evidence on the Impact of SFAS No. 34 on the Behavior of Security Prices
Frank E. Ryerson III
The Role of Taxes in Corporate Acquisitions: Effect ofTax Shields on the Choice of Method of Payment
Ken C. Yook, George M. McCabe, and Paul A. Shoemaker