Volume 13, Issue 2 (1987)
The Southern Business Review was published by the Georgia Southern University College of Business from 1975-2013. The journal issues are available in electronic format through Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. The issues are also available in print format from the University Libraries, Zach S. Henderson Library collection.
Yield Premia on Debt in Leveraged Buyouts
Robert F. Bruner
Systemic Skewness and the Return Behavior of Common Stocks
Duane B. Graddy and Ghassem Homaifar
Bank Funds Management: Interest-Margin Measures and Relative Profitability*
John A. Haslem, James P. Bedingfield, and A.J. Stagliano
Stepwise Analysis of Bank Statements
Santiago Ibarreche and Robert D. Tollen
How to Pick Your "Man in Asia"
Arthur M. Whitehill