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Nathaniel Pendleton was born in Culpepper County, Virginia· on October 27, 1756 and was a descendant of an English­ man named Phillip Pendleton, who came to Virginia in 1674. Pendleton served with distinction in the Continental Army from 1775 to 1J83 attaining the rank of major as an aide-de­ camp to General Nathaniel Greene. Pendleton settled in Sa­vannah, Georgia in 1785 and began the practice of law. While in Georgia, he held notable public offices, that culminated in the honor of being chosen by President Washington to be the first United States District Judge for the State of Geor­gia. In 1796, when his name became associated with the Yazoo Land Fraud, Pendleton left the state to reside in New York.

There, he was a member of the bar and judiciary and was a law partner of Alexander Hamilton. In the fatal Burr-Hamilton duel, Pendleton served as Alexander Hamilton's second. Judge Pendleton resided at his home in Hyde Park, New York until his death in 1821. He was survived by several children and his grandson, George Hunt Pendleton ran on the presidential tic­ket with McClellan, in 1864, against Lincoln.

Publication Date

Spring 1990

Nathan Pendleton (1756-1821) First United States District Judge for the state of Georgia
