Triene to Succeed Organic Chemistry


Poster Session 1 (Henderson Library)

Session Format

Poster Presentation

Your Campus

Statesboro Campus- Henderson Library, April 20th

Academic Unit

Department of Chemistry

Research Area Topic:

Education & Learning - STEM Education

Co-Presenters and Faculty Mentors or Advisors

Dr. Christine Whitlock- Mentor

Dr. Shainaz Landge- Mentor


Organic Chemistry can be challenging for some students, which is why Georgia Southern offers academic tutoring or supplemental instruction (SI) sessions for students. These voluntarily planned sessions work to assist struggling students or peers who want extra practice, and propel them forward by providing a safe space to ask questions. Most SI sessions focus more on practical learning, i.e. practice and repetition leading to retrieval practice. This project explains how classes, which tend to aid auditory, visual, and practical learners through the use of hands-on activities and games, are more appreciated. Each game/activity targets what was taught in previous classes and provides a new perspective, a different way of thinking, on tougher or more complex topics. Difficult topics like nomenclature, stereochemistry, and acid/base reactions will be explained.

Program Description

This project describes a novel learning aid used to teach Organic Chemistry. Each game/activity targets what was taught in previous classes and provides a new perspective on more complex topics. Difficult topics like nomenclature, stereochemistry, and acid/base reactions will be discussed.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Presentation Type and Release Option

Presentation (Restricted to Georgia Southern)

Start Date

4-20-2022 10:00 AM

End Date

4-20-2022 11:30 AM

This document is currently not available here.


Apr 20th, 10:00 AM Apr 20th, 11:30 AM

Triene to Succeed Organic Chemistry

Poster Session 1 (Henderson Library)

Organic Chemistry can be challenging for some students, which is why Georgia Southern offers academic tutoring or supplemental instruction (SI) sessions for students. These voluntarily planned sessions work to assist struggling students or peers who want extra practice, and propel them forward by providing a safe space to ask questions. Most SI sessions focus more on practical learning, i.e. practice and repetition leading to retrieval practice. This project explains how classes, which tend to aid auditory, visual, and practical learners through the use of hands-on activities and games, are more appreciated. Each game/activity targets what was taught in previous classes and provides a new perspective, a different way of thinking, on tougher or more complex topics. Difficult topics like nomenclature, stereochemistry, and acid/base reactions will be explained.