Analyzing Pre-Service Teachers’ Strategies for Subtraction


Poster Session 1 (Henderson Library)

Session Format

Poster Presentation

Your Campus

Statesboro Campus- Henderson Library, April 20th

Academic Unit

College of Education

Research Area Topic:

Education & Learning - Curriculum & Instruction

Co-Presenters and Faculty Mentors or Advisors

Dr. Heidi Eisenreich, Faculty Advisor


In this study, we analyzed pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) strategies before and after learning about subtraction of whole numbers with regrouping. The population consisted of approximately 61 PSTs and each PST was prompted with the same question for both the pre and post test. Each question asked PSTs to use two strategies to solve the problem and explain/justify one. Before the pre test, PSTs had been given very little instruction on how to use base 10 blocks or any other strategy, and were given 10 minutes to complete the pretest during class. Then, PSTs engaged in solving whole number subtraction problems using multiple strategies, identifying student errors, and working in small groups to explain and justify their strategy. At the end of the unit, PSTs were given a test. The same question that was given for the pre assessment was also given on the unit test. In the pre, 31 students used the standard algorithm to complete the problem, even though the directions explicitly stated NOT to use the standard algorithm. In the post, zero students used the standard algorithm to complete the problem, but instead used different strategies such as base 10 blocks, counting up, and taking away.

Program Description

This study analyzes pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) strategies in terms of models, correct/incorrect answers, and explanation/justifications when solving whole number subtraction problems throughout one unit in a mathematics content course for K-8 PSTs.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Presentation Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)

Start Date

4-20-2022 10:00 AM

End Date

4-20-2022 11:30 AM


Apr 20th, 10:00 AM Apr 20th, 11:30 AM

Analyzing Pre-Service Teachers’ Strategies for Subtraction

Poster Session 1 (Henderson Library)

In this study, we analyzed pre-service teachers’ (PSTs) strategies before and after learning about subtraction of whole numbers with regrouping. The population consisted of approximately 61 PSTs and each PST was prompted with the same question for both the pre and post test. Each question asked PSTs to use two strategies to solve the problem and explain/justify one. Before the pre test, PSTs had been given very little instruction on how to use base 10 blocks or any other strategy, and were given 10 minutes to complete the pretest during class. Then, PSTs engaged in solving whole number subtraction problems using multiple strategies, identifying student errors, and working in small groups to explain and justify their strategy. At the end of the unit, PSTs were given a test. The same question that was given for the pre assessment was also given on the unit test. In the pre, 31 students used the standard algorithm to complete the problem, even though the directions explicitly stated NOT to use the standard algorithm. In the post, zero students used the standard algorithm to complete the problem, but instead used different strategies such as base 10 blocks, counting up, and taking away.