Characterizing Fingernail Surface Morphology Exposed to Common Household Cleaning Agents Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Poster Session 2 (Henderson Library)
Session Format
Poster Presentation
Your Campus
Statesboro Campus- Henderson Library, April 20th
Academic Unit
Department of Chemistry
Research Area Topic:
Natural & Physical Sciences - Chemistry
Co-Presenters and Faculty Mentors or Advisors
Olivia Creamer
Ashleigh Duty
Kyleigh Richardson
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Shainaz Landge
In criminal investigations, fingernails can be a crucial piece of physical evidence linking the victim to the crime scene. Scanning Electron Microscopy could provide a visualization of the morphology of fingernails. Fingernail morphology and surface chemistry will be observed in various pH conditions ranging from 2.5-12 exposed to vinegar, bleach, household ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide. The hypothesis is that exposing fingernails to different household cleaning agents will create a structural change on the surface of fingernails, with various chemicals being left on the surface of the nails. The fingernails collected will not have nail polish or pre-applied chemicals, and three samples from a female and a male will be collected for each cleaning agent. There will be a waiting period of one week inside ambient temperature after exposure to cleaning agents and analysis. The findings of this study may aid in building a case in a typical forensics’ environment.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Presentation Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Start Date
4-20-2022 1:30 PM
End Date
4-20-2022 3:00 PM
Recommended Citation
Williams, Logan, "Characterizing Fingernail Surface Morphology Exposed to Common Household Cleaning Agents Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)" (2022). GS4 Georgia Southern Student Scholars Symposium. 86.
Characterizing Fingernail Surface Morphology Exposed to Common Household Cleaning Agents Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Poster Session 2 (Henderson Library)
In criminal investigations, fingernails can be a crucial piece of physical evidence linking the victim to the crime scene. Scanning Electron Microscopy could provide a visualization of the morphology of fingernails. Fingernail morphology and surface chemistry will be observed in various pH conditions ranging from 2.5-12 exposed to vinegar, bleach, household ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide. The hypothesis is that exposing fingernails to different household cleaning agents will create a structural change on the surface of fingernails, with various chemicals being left on the surface of the nails. The fingernails collected will not have nail polish or pre-applied chemicals, and three samples from a female and a male will be collected for each cleaning agent. There will be a waiting period of one week inside ambient temperature after exposure to cleaning agents and analysis. The findings of this study may aid in building a case in a typical forensics’ environment.