Document Type

Research Paper

Publication Date

Summer 6-21-2023


Given the area of the workcenters and the required loaded flow matrix between pairs of workcenters, the unequal facility layout problem (UA-FLP) is concerned with a continuous model for the arrangement of the workcenters under a loaded flow-distance objective function. In UA-FLP models, distances are measured between the centroids of the workcenters on arbitrary bidirectional free rectilinear flow paths. While these assumptions may work for gantry cranes, they are far from reality for vehiclebased material transport systems. In this study, starting from the block layouts obtained under the UA-FLP assumptions, we move towards superimposing them by material transport networks and input/output (IO) stations. We report the gaps between the objective function value under UA-FLP assumptions, that of the deterministic optimization model developed under more realistic assumptions, and that of simulation experiments to incorporate stochastic aspects.

Publication Title

Progress in Material Handling Research
