Document Type

Research Paper

Publication Date



This paper deals with omnichannel business-­‐to-­‐consumer logistics and supply chains. Its key contribution is the conceptualization of hyperconnected network and facility design options for enabling to meet the challenges toward achieving omnichannel logistics efficiently and sustainably while meeting the timely expectations of clients. These design options exploit key Physical Internet concepts. They encompass the transportation, pickup and delivery of ordered goods, the deployment of products across territories to enable fast response to orders, as well as on-­‐demand production of products across networks of facilities while engaging multiple parties. The options range from current practice to prospective ones that are associated to a more mature level of implementation of the Physical Internet. The paper identifies key relative advantages and disadvantages of alternative options, synthesizes strategic insights for industry, and provides research challenges and opportunities.


Paper 20

Publication Title

Progress in Material Handling Research: 2016


